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What people are saying about Simple Numbers, Straight Talk, Big Profits!

“I read the first forty pages of Simple Numbers and thought, I sure wish I had this book some thirty years ago when I was beginning my entrepreneurial journey… It surely would have saved me time and money. My feelings were only further fueled as I made my way through the balance of the book. Entrepreneurs, don’t overlook this one!”


– Jack Daly, CEO, Professional Sales Coach, Inc.




“Greg Crabtree is known as the leading expert for emerging and global entrepreneurs seeking to drive peak financial performance. His concepts, tools, and philosophies have a positive impact on the global economy, one entrepreneur at a time. Read this book, implement its practices, and become the top-performing company in your industry.”


– David J. Galbenski, Esq., Founder & Chairman, Lumen Legal; author of Unbound: How Entrepreneurship is Dramatically Transforming Legal Services Today




“Sometimes it takes plenty of pain to realize how helpful seemingly simple advice can be. Maybe you’ll be ready for this message, maybe not – I was. Greg Crabtree provides what seems like very simple, down to earth advice in this book about using our financial numbers to really become successful. With my degree in accounting, I’m amazed at how little is taught (or known) about producing meaningful and valuable information from/with accounting information. This book is all about making our businesses the real assets they can be, rather than what can often feel like a ball & chain. It’s a fresh perspective on the really important issues, which sound so obvious when clearly spelled out like he does in this book. I liken Greg Crabtree as the Warren Buffett of accounting – because it’s hard to believe such straightforward thinking can produce such amazing results. But wow, when looked at through this new lens, I found we had a lot to improve. And improve we did, as are lots of my friends using this same perspective. I know many people around the country who either 1) turned their businesses around &/or 2) rocketed their businesses into overdrive with Greg’s help. Now he’s literally giving it away in this book. This is a must read for entrepreneurs, whether starting up or already mid-stream. Game on – thanks Greg!”


– Jeffrey Stukuls (via




“I love my business. I love my team. I love, love the revenue and the profits. I HATE bookkeeping and all that it entails. But, after 10 years in business, Greg Crabtree has given me and now countless other business owners the immutable laws and rules of running and accounting for our businesses. It’s changed the way I look at my team, by balance sheet and how I plan for my future. It’s the one book on running your business that will stand the test of time, and that you’ll refer to over and over again. Don’t miss this gem.”


– Susan L (via amazon.con)

“I wish every business book was this valuable, succinct, interesting, and progressive. The author does an excellent job of explaining why conventional financial assumptions can be detrimental to entrepreneurs. His reverse-engineering approach to profitability is essential knowledge for business owners looking to measure the overall health and predict the longevity of their organization. The book also provides helpful strategies presented in a concise format to ensure the reader can get back to focusing on what’s really important: their business.”


– Dione Spiteri (via




“I saw Greg speak at an event earlier this year and it really inspired me to think differently about how I manage the cash flow of my business. He had several concepts that made me sit back and think. I began working on the ideas from his speech and it really made a difference in my life. It was nice to see that his book took those same ideas and added stories to further my understanding. The key takeaways were simple to understand and not difficult to implement as long as I committed to making them happen. The book is a positive nudge toward managing the cash flow of business correctly.”


– Russell Holcombe (via




“Too many authors make complex issues even more complex. This book takes the complex and makes it easy to understand. The authors not only make the concepts easy to understand but also drive home the importance and the implications of the topic. I would recommend this book for any active or aspiring entrepreneur and my entire accounting team.”


– Erick in Seattle (via




“I’ve bought many books to improve my business. They all had useful information, but sometimes I didn’t always know what they were talking about. Greg’s book taught me what to measure, when to measure it and what to do with the measurement. That is the sort of thing that I can use. That is the sort of thing my people can use. That is the sort of simple data that drives behavior and profit.”


– Robert Wagnon (via




“This book really opened my eyes to how important a few key metrics are for my business. It allowed me to really see what was important and I have been able to apply the knowledge to my business. The results have been increased money to the bottom line, which goes into my pocket! I was amazed to see how similar my business was to others when you look just at the numbers.”


– Dave B (via

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CRI Simple Numbers, LLC is a division of CRI Capital Group, LLC, a subsidiary of CRI Advisors, LLC. “CRI" is the brand name under which Carr, Riggs & Ingram, L.L.C. (“CPA Firm”) and CRI Advisors, LLC (“Advisors”) and its subsidiary entities provide professional services. CPA Firm and Advisors (and its subsidiary entities) practice as an alternative practice structure in accordance with the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and applicable law, regulations and professional standards. CPA Firm is a licensed independent CPA firm that provides attest services to its clients, and Advisors and its subsidiary entities provide tax and business consulting services to their clients. Advisors and its subsidiary entities are not licensed CPA firms.


© 2025 CRI Simple Numbers, a division of Carr, Riggs & Ingram®, Capital LLC

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